Terms of use

About these Terms of Use

We ask that you carefully read these terms before using our website. These Terms of Use tell you about the way you can use our website. By continuing to browse on our website, you accept these terms and conditions.

We reserve the right to change the terms on which our website is offered at any time. Any changes to our terms and conditions will take effect immediately when they are placed on our website and will apply to all future use of our website. We recommend that you regularly check the Terms of Use and our policies posted on our website as they may have changed since your last visit.

Your personal information

We process personal data in accordance with our Cookie Policy.

The information on our website

We do our best to ensure that our website operates properly at all times, but we make no warranties as to the availability or accessibility of our website, and we will not be liable for any damages, loss, costs or expenses incurred by you as a result of any lack of availability or accessibility of our website. Neither will we be liable as a result of any distributed denial-of-service attack, viruses or other technologically harmful material on our website.

We make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information provided on our website is accurate and up to date, but all information contained on our website is for informational use only and we assume no liability for completeness or accuracy. Please also note that all the information contained on our website is subject to change.

Links and sharing

Any links on our website are provided solely for your use and convenience. The link does not represent any endorsement or recommendation by us and does not mean that we have any association with the linked website. We are not responsible for the content of any websites that are linked to or from our website or for the legal consequences of your entering into any contracts with the third parties that provide these linked websites and we do not accept any liability for any loss, damage, expense, costs or liability whatsoever incurred by you as a result.

Please note that if you share content from our website onto other platforms, there may be separate terms and conditions connected to the organisation that allows you to share. Please check the terms and conditions of any site you intend to share to. Some terms and conditions may prohibit you from sharing our content.

Intellectual Property Rights

The content of all parts of the website belongs to Ingka Holding B.V., its affiliated companies or Inter IKEA Systems B.V. This includes copyright in all of the text, descriptions and images. Reproduction, modification or public display of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited unless for personal use. If you want to use any of our content for any purpose other than as set out above you must first contact us and obtain permission.

The trademark rights to the names and logotypes displayed on our website are held by Ingka Holding B.V., its affiliated companies or Inter IKEA Systems B.V. Consequently, they may not be used without prior written permission from the holder of trademark rights.

What you cannot do on our website

You may use our website only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms of Use. When using our website you cannot:

interfere or disable any security related features of the site or features that prevent or restrict use or copying of the content accessible via the site;

send junk, spam or repetitive messages;

modify, interfere, intercept, disrupt or hack the site;

misuse the site by knowingly introducing viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs or other similar material or by undertaking any other action which would harm the site, any site user’s equipment or have a detrimental impact on any site user’s experience of using the site.

Disclaimer of warranties

To the extent possible under applicable law, we hereby disclaim all warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, statutory or otherwise.